June 1

Coffee with Mike- When Do We Need Advice?



I want to talk about the difference between why people need some advice and when they can just use a calculator. I think people call me at times when they really should be using a calculator, and I think there are other times where people are using a calculator and they really should be talking to me. Here's what I think the difference is:

If all you want to know is 'what is a break even point,' or 'if this is a smart thing to do over a certain period of time,' then we're really just crunching numbers and for crunching numbers, you can find that calculator on the internet. We certainly want you to take advantage of all the things that are are available to you.

At the same time, if the question that you're really asking is 'is it wise to do something; is this the best thing for me to do?' Well, now all of a sudden, we've got more than a calculation. We've got more than what a calculator can provide you. Now we're talking about things that you care about; we're talking about the things that you value; we're talking about the plans that you have. A calculator simply is not going to address those issues. 

What the calculator is going to do is tell you if the numbers work.  If that's all that matters, well then you just need a calculator. But if you want to know what's best for you, if you want to know if this is wise from your point of view, then that's something that we can talk about. What we're trying to do is help you understand what's the best use of things for you? 

We've all got money; we've all got property; we all have plans and dreams; we all have jobs ; we all earn money, so you know what's the difference between anybody else in the room in you?  The key, I think the significant thing to realize is that there is a big difference between everybody else in the room and you. There is a big difference about what you want to do, and even if everyone wants to do the same thing, there is a big difference as to why you want to do it and why they want to do it. 

"...if you want to know what's best for you, if you want to know if this is wise from your point of view, then that's something that we can talk about."

Let's think about that just for a little bit. I hope that this helps you think through why you would talk to somebody, why you would seek advice, and the advice is not about what we think or what I think you should do. It's really about what I understand you to need, what I understand you to want to do, and whether there is a better way to get that accomplished. That's why you would talk to me.

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